MEGA-PREVIEW for Upcoming Articles

Here's a preview of some creations I will be posting in detail in the future.

In order for a creation to be considered "finished" by my standards, I must include the following:
-Touch-sensitive banana jacks (and therefore fully patchable)
-Speaker-bypassing output jack with volume control
-Paintjob with monster-face and red splatter
-Starve pot
-Pitch/speed control
-Other bends (if I feel like it)

[click for larger]

Since all my finished pieces are patchable, one can definitely get some fantastic sounds by cross-bending points between different devices. Running the audio out of a device or amplified bass into the bend points of another device is quite lovely.

[click for larger]

I also make most of my patch cables, adapters, splitters, etc. I find it fun, and when I need one for a specific feature, I find that building it is much easier than purchasing something that might work how I want.

Hopefully I will be good about updating here. (Unfortunately, my studio and workshop are in two different locations, and finished pieces are typically in the studio, not here at my workshop).

Thanks for reading, and Happy Bending.

Tri-Thingamakit unit (Thingamahands)

Here's a minor preview of my almost completed "Thingamahands"
The video is of the ability to patch-in a resistor-chain keyboard to control pitch.

[click for larger]

Glitch Dino Baby Pal

Here's a little critter I made for a friend's birthday. Simple but sweet. Pitch pot, cap switch and output added.


ThingaMunny (aka The Goblinator)

Here's a little project called ThingaMunny, aka "The Goblinator." It incorperates my two favorite DIY kits; Kid Robot's Munny, and Bleep Labs' Thingamakit.
[click for larger]

It differs from the original kit in only a few ways: spike wave mod, sine wave mod, and input (2 modes). Full Set. Thanks to Bleep Labs, Kid Robot, and HackADay for helping on this build. Stay tuned for my newest Bleep Labs mod; Thingamahands (notable features: keyboard attachment, triple-core unit, custom control graphics).
Recognition: Make Magazine, Sendling, Matrixsynth, Pete Ashton, Daily DIY.

Happy Hacking.

Welcome to GlitchBent

I'm your host, SUBBS.
In this blog, I will catalog my mods, hacks, bends, etc (whatever you would like to call them).

For anyone who is new to circuit-bending, head here.

In a bit of shameless gloating, the first mod I will share with you is one currently hosted on casperelectronics.com
This is quite a big deal to me because Pete Edwards is an idol of mine. 75% of my circuit-bending knowledge comes from him. I'm also pleased to share that he is incredibly sweet, and even takes time to reply to emails (despite his busy schedule involving numerous interviews and the opening of Casper Land).
Enough prologue, here's the schematic I based around his sequencer:
[click for larger]
And here's the page it's hosted on, along with his original diagram.

Happy Glitching.