[super-secret song at the end]
Beavis Audio Research has a great page on these types of synths here: beavisaudio.com/Projects/CMOS_Synthesizers The above video involves my digisynth v1, beavis audio's Heterodyne Space Explorer (a quad-oscillator with starve), and a "Mr Rogers in my Pocket." The starve and quad-osc combined with an input patched in makes some great digital, squeaky distortion. Almost akin to a high-gain bitcrusher.I'm currently working on some Jar Monsters, a few songs, updating my recording studio, transcribing the full digisynth schematic to photoshop, and a commissioned digisynth v3 for a friend. Recap: v0 was the OrcaSynth, v1 was the DigiSynth, v2 was the SynthZilla, and v3 is in the works with many improvements over v2.
Also, here is something I drew on harmony:

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